Winter Workday - March 15th
Our crew had an extremely productive work day in the Roundhouse on Saturday March 15th!
Tina Bogani &David Winner continued installing electric conduit to reach the temporary machine shop. Present not in photos is new volunteer Rick Eastland who painted electric conduit.
Ryan McDowell, Mike Sharp & Tim Clay observed Bob McDowell measure for reproducing tapered bolts for locomotive driver guides. Bob previously fabricated the stub switch parts for Como. Rob & Jacoby Van Winkle along with Bob Peterson worked on front locomotive suspension.
Sam Kunugi & Luke Miller are removing bolt studs from locomotive dome for a new top to be installed. Jacoby Van Winkle received instructions on the use of the lathe from Dan Silbaugh.
Mike Sharp grinding a new shim. Jacoby running lathe fabricating a special washer under the guidance of Bob McDowell.
Jacoby displaying special washers he machined.
Takoda & Aaron Myers working on ignition system of Ford tractor.
Jim Scoville kept the fires burning for a warm workplace.