Como Campus Work Day - August 3rd

Saturday August 3rd was a very productive day in Como, preparing for Boreas Pass Railroad Day and continuing the enhancement of the Como Heritage Site!

The day began with distributing “road base” around the turntable to enhance and provide a safer area for our visitors. Bob Revis moving “road base”, with Jon Eignheer, Paul Blanchard, Jim Scoville, Barb Kirk, Road Master Alex Hois, Takoda and April Myers & Patrick Hardin.

A visitor path was created between the Depot and Roundhouse with the distribution of cinders/dirt - work being completed by Paul Marizza, Barb Kirk, Patrick Hardin, James Mackay, Paul Blanchard, Jon Eignheer, Road Master Alex Hois & Miles Adler.

The engine crew, Bob Peterson, Tim Clay, Mike Sharp, Jim McBee & Dan Silbaugh prepared Locomotive #4 “Kate” to be moved as well as relocated all her parts, tools, and equipment to make way for the Denver Brass Band concert. They even began to enhance their work area tool benches with new back board and lighting.

Chris Tome continued his laborious job of restoring the Roundhouse windows, and his Mother Louisa came and washed windows for Railroad Day!

The Myers family, Takoda, Aaron & April enhance the visitor picnic grove, coating benches, trimming the pine trees and landscaping.

The Preservation Crew, Paul Greguoli, Joey Knous, Dallas Meads, & Barb Kirk rebuilt the visitor loading platform for the handcar rides.

The Car Crew, Sam Kunng, Norm Acker & Luke Miller stabilized the stock car. They also brought and painted the roof walking boards for C&S #8311.

Bob Revis and all volunteers relocated cars in preparation for Railroad Day.

The Track Crew began further work on maintenance car stub to sheds.

And we hosted visitors, enthusiastic of Host Michael Bottlemy.

Leslie Cole prepared and served a great lunch. “Cheerleaders” Kathy and Chuck Brantigan came to “cheer on” all the volunteers!

Present not in photos, David Winner, working on electric and Pat Comer.

Other Happenings:

Lauren Revis–Hebert with the help of Lynda & Tim Clay as well as Takoda & April Myers managed an information booth at “Burro Days” in Fairplay (July27th & 28th). Bob Schoppe manned an information booth at Morrison “150 Anniversary Day” and at “Bailey Days”.

Friday August 2nd two trucks of rail arrived and were unloaded, with Operator Bob Revis, Bob Schoppe, Joey Knous, Barb Kirk, Mike Sharp & Patrick Hardin.

We look forward to seeing you August 17th for railroad Day 2024!




Open House & Campus Work Day - July 20th