Como Campus Work Day - July 6th

July 6th was yet another extremely productive day in Como!

Day began with Bob Revis, Joey Knous & Tom Lawson opening Roundhouse doors (photo courtesy of Chip Sherman).

Track Crew began cutting into siding of maintenance sheds. Steve Thompson, Jon Dierksheide & Katherine Woodham gathered archeological gems. Road Master Alex Hois cut rail for frog. Jim Scoville, Steve Thompson, Paul Blanchard, Road Master Alex Hois & Joe Dierksheide began track construction with James Mackay video tapping.

Chris Tome continued working on Roundhouse windows. Joe Wittig began painting transit over the visitor entrance.

Aaron & Takoda Myers began applying a fresh coat of paint on rider car #210. Joey Knous, Paul Greguoli & Dallas Meads continued preservation construction on maintenance sheds.

Engine crew, Dan Silbaugh & Mike Sharp working on Locomotive wheels. Dan Silbaugh assisting Larry Plume machining (photo courtesy of Mike Sharp).

The Como Heritage site had plenty of visitors! Jon Dierksheide provided ride on the handcart. John Huth escorted visitors (couple pictured all the way from Oxford England) along with Chip Sherman & Audrey Wilson.

Volunteers were once again happy about lunch, cheering Leslie Cole who prepared with serving help from Audrey Wilson!

Present but not in photos, Mike Bottlemey, Chip Sherman, Steve Sweighofer & Bob Schoppe. Thank you Everyone!

Join us for our next work day & open house on July 20th!


Open House & Campus Work Day - July 20th


Open House & 2024 Work Week - June 15th-June 22nd